YES Employee Spotlight – March ’23

Utah’s Best Staffing Professionals Help Lead Your Employment Solutions!

This month’s Employee Spotlight is a classy member of the YES leadership team – Kaelob Miller!

yes staffing employee

Thank You Kaelob Miller | YES March 2023 Spotlight

Kaelob Miller is one of the newest members to our leadership team and a lone ranger in his own right. He started as an on-site and when a change came in that position, he quickly pivoted and took the initiative to create a place for himself within YES. This showed a great amount of tenacity that allowed us to continue to get to know him and allow him to grow within our company. Since then, he has taken over managing our scheduling department, assisting all our offices in standardizing processes and operations, and working with leadership to help drive YES further and forward.

We asked Kaelob to answer 11 questions about work and life. Here’s what he had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.

  • Talking to my friends each day
  • Learning about history
  • Chocolate
  • Games
  • Rare pieces of wisdom that you don’t expect to find, but change how you view yourself and your surroundings

2. Three things you don’t.

  • Pop culture or any of, “what’s new with celebrities today,” news
  • Closed-minded individuals
  • How difficult it can be to change when we can see what our better self may look like in the future, yet we still struggle in the ruts we’ve made

3. What do you like most about working at YES?
The culture. I’ve never seen anything as genuine as YES’s culture in any other industry or company I’ve worked with.

4. What do you think would make YES better?
When applicants walk into our offices and are offered water (which they always are!) we should be able to have the option for sparkling water – because it’s superior.

5. If you could meet anyone, who?
If I could meet anyone it would come down to either my past self, roughly around the age of 21, or to meet with my father one last time.

6. Your favorite place in the world.
There is no better place than home.

7. When playing games (PC or otherwise) what is the most important quality in your gameplay and why? How do you think that may translate to what’s important in your work quality?
I think one of the most important aspects of games is that they are separate from reality. Whether it be board games, video games, or sports, it’s an opportunity for us as individuals to enter a realm which we are not in every day. This is important as it gives us the opportunity to transcend the mundane and enter into an environment where we are explorative, excited, and open to whatever the game may throw at us. I think these conditions are prevalent in life, especially work, and we should approach our work with the same excitement and openness to experience. 

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?
Myself. I think the person who gets in my way the most is myself. I often times find myself sprinting when I should be walking slowly.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?
Rationally allowing for an objective understanding of the issue at hand and how we might best navigate it.

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?
I’d tell them that YES is a great place to work and then I’d ask them if they have any friends who might be interested in working here too!

11. We know you enjoy watching fantasy movies and TV shows like Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. If you, CEO Reed Laws, and President Kerry Westenskow were bestowed the One Ring to carry to Mordor, what role in the Fellowship do you think you and they would play? Do you think either you or either of them would fall prey to the temptation of the One Ring’s Power? Who and Why?
I know myself too well. I’d be Boromir. I’d be the first to fall to the temptation of the ring and I would try to take it for myself, believing that with such power I could make the world better, but in truth it would corrupt me and make me a force of evil. As far as Reed and Kerry, that’s easy. Reed is Frodo, Kerry is Gandalf.

We greatly enjoy have you as part of our team and appreciate all you bring to the table. THANKS Kaelob!!!

Anna Gailey
HR Generalist, PHR
Your Employment Solutions

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